District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Greeting District 26!
Thank you for attending our first completely virtual conference on April 30 – May 1, 2021.  

  • We had two wonderful keynote addresses by Distinguished Toastmaster and Accredited Speaker, Paul Artale. 
  • We recognized 18 clubs that had achieved Distinguished status or better by April 15, 2021
  • We recognized two new Distinguished Toastmasters within District 26:
    • John Gutierrez, DTM as of March 03, 2021 
    • Barbara Luthy, DTM as of March 24, 2021 
  • At our Tall Tales Contest on April 30, 2021:
    • Tiffany Gunter, PM3, won first place
  • At our International Speech Contest on May 1, 2021:
    • Vivian Cobb, DTM, won first place
  • At the Business Meeting on May 1, 2021, the following District leadership was elected:
    • Victoria Cox, District Director-Elect
    • Jeff Scott Ruiz, Program Quality Director-Elect
    • JP Bachmann, Club Growth Director-Elect
    • Karen McGrath, Denver Division Director-Elect
    • Vacant, Eastern Division Director 
    • Jonathan Kolber, Foothills Division Director-Elect
    • Ron Pierre, Metro Division Director-Elect
    • Tiaja Pierre, Northern Division Director-Elect
    • Deborah Trenkamp-Horowitz, Southern Division Director-Elect
    • Ruth Prentice, Urban Division Director- Elect
    • Jim Dent, Western Division Director-Elect

Now is the time to focus on the goals that you established at the beginning of the year and FINISH STRONG.  The program year does not end with the conference or the election of new leadership at the District or club level.  The program year ends on June 30, 2021 and we should “keep our foot on the gas” and push through to the finish line.  By all means, please conduct your club elections and get your officer lists in by June 30.  Additionally, If you have lingering educational and/or leadership credit, please submit those, regardless if your club is some level of Distinguished or not.  This has been a challenging year and many things have happened beyond our control, but we can control diligently pursuing our educational and leadership goals.

Jacqueline Smith
District Director, 2020-2021

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