District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Unleash Your Public Speaking Potential

District 26 Speech Contest Season 2024-2025

Exciting Changes for the 2024-2025 Toastmasters Contest Season!

Expanding Opportunities for our Members

The District 26 Speech Contest Season is a cornerstone event for Toastmasters in Colorado, Wyoming, and Western Nebraska. This season not only provides a platform for members to demonstrate their public speaking prowess but also fosters a community of learning and growth.

 We are thrilled to unveil an additional contest opportunity for District 26 Toastmasters.

 We are adding an Online Speech Contest to the D26 contest schedule.  Contestants will deliver a 5-7 minute speech on the topic of their choice.  The judging criteria is the same as for the International Speech Contest.

As voted on by the District Council, the two in-person speech contests for the 2024- 2025 program year will be the Humorous and International Speech Contests. 

The Online Speech Contest  will end at the District 26 Virtual stage on April 25th and joins our two in person speech contests this year:   the International Speech Contest  ending at the World Championships of Public Speaking at the annual Toastmasters International Convention in August 2025; and the Humorous Contest, ending at our own District 26 in-person stage on May 3rd.

Exciting Changes for 2024-2025

New Online Speech Contest

We are thrilled to introduce an Online Speech Contest, allowing participants to compete virtually with the same judging criteria as the International Speech Contest.

Expanded Contest Opportunities

Members can now compete in three categories: Humorous, International, and Online Speech Contests, providing more avenues for showcasing their talents.

Enhanced Participation

Clubs in Areas with 4 or fewer clubs can send 2 contestants to each Area Contest, ensuring broader participation and more competitive events.

Clubs located in Areas N1, N2, N3 and S1 qualify for this benefit for all three contests.

What is New?

  • The International Speech Contest and Humorous Speech Contest will be in-person only at the Area, Division, and District levels.
  • An Online Contest has been added to the schedule.
  • No Area, Division, or District contests will be hybrid.



What is Staying the Same?

  • Clubs can conduct a contest in any format (online, hybrid, or in-person) or nominate a member.
  • Contestants need to be a paid member of the club in which they are competing. The club needs to be a club in good standing (minimum eight paid members).
  • International Speech contestants are required to have completed Pathways Levels 1 & 2 or have received the DTM award. (Exceptions for members of clubs that chartered within the year.)
  • Contestants can compete in all three categories.

Visit our District 26 website’s division pages to see who your Area Director is. Contact each to let them know by October 26th that your club will be participating in the Online Area Contests on November 9th. 

We also need contest officials to serve as  judges, judging ballot counters, timers, contest chairs, contest toastmasters. Let your Area Director know that you’re available to help.


An Invitation

Program Quality Director, Ruth Prentice, DTM, invites each club’s Vice President Education to encourage members to enter the Online Area Speech Contests, taking place on November 9th.  Let your members know that this is a wonderful opportunity to practice their speeches for the In-Person Humorous and/or the International Speech Contest.

Upcoming Speech Contests

Online Speech Contest - Club Level

October 2024

Each club in good standing (i.e., a minimum of 8 paid members) is permitted to choose a contestant for the Area speech contest by whatever means the club desires. Clubs that meet hybrid, online or in-person can participate.

The club can nominate a contestant or hold a contest. If a contest is held, it must comply with the rules in the 2024-2025 Speech Contest rulebook, and the contest result is final.  

Contact your Area Director today to let them know that your club will participate in the online speech contest.  Members can use it as a practice for the International or Humorous Speech Contests.

Online Speech Contest - Area Level

November 9, 2024

Clubs in most Areas can send 1 contestant to the Area contest. Areas with 4 or fewer clubs can send 2 contestants per club to the Area Contest.

The District 26 areas that can send 2 contestants per club are:  N1, N2, N3, S1.

Only 1 winner from each Area contest will  advance to the Division Contests.

Online Speech Contest - Division Level Friday, April 4 and Saturday, April 5, 2025

Only 1 winner from each Division Contest can advance to the District Contests. 

Online Speech Contest - District Level - Friday, April 25

The 2024-2025 District 26 Online Speech Contest will  congratulate and award trophies to the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place winners at the online stage on April 25th.

  • Speech Contest Rulebook 2024-2025
  • Speech Contestant Profile
  • Speaker’s Certification of Eligibility and Originality
  • International Speech Contest Judge’s Guide & Ballot
  • Humorous Contest Judge’s Guide & Ballot
  • Online Contest Judges Guide & Ballot
  • Speech Contest Rulebook 2024-25
  • Judges Certifications of Eligibility & Code of Ethics
  • International Speech Contest
    • Judge’s Guide and Ballot
    • Tie-Breaking Ballot
  • Humorous Speech Contest
    • Judge’s Guide and Ballot
    • Tie-Breaking Ballot
  • Online Speech Contest
    • Judge’s Guide and Ballot
    • Tie-Breaking Ballot

Chief Judge

  • Contest Rulebook 2024-2025
  • Notification of Winner Form
  • Speaker’s Certification  of Eligibility & Originality (completed)
  • Results Form
  • International Judge’s Guide and Ballot 

Contest Chair

  • Contest Rulebook 2024-2025
  • Certificates for Participants & Winners
  • Contest Chair Briefing Scripts
  • Notification of Winner Form
  • Contest Toastmaster Scripts

Ballot Counters

  • Speech Contest Rulebook
  • Counters Tally Sheet

Contest Toastmaster

  • Contest Rulebook 2024-25
  • Script
    • International
    • Humorous
    • Online


  • Speech Contest Rulebook 2024-25
  • Timer’s standard Virtual Backgrounds
  • Time Record Sheet

Additional Speech Contest Documents - document updating in progress

To view or download the document, please click the button to the right of the title.

Briefing Documents

  • Contestants – Online
  • Contestants – In- Person [Humorous and International]
  • Contest Officials – Online
  • Contest Officials – In-Person [Humorous and International]
  • Chief Judge [Online Judges, Ballot Counters and Timers and Zoom Master]
  • Chief Judge [In-Person Judges, Ballot Counters and Timers]

Documents will be uploaded soon. 


Certificate of Appreciation

Presented to Contest Officials at each contest.  For online officials, email to all.

Certificate of Appreciation

Dignitary List for Current Term

Announce as written.  If a dignitary is competing in the speech contest, let the audience know that all dignitaries will be acknowledged after the interviews.

Judges Email Template

PowerPoint Slides for Speech Contests

Download as .pdf and convert to Google or MS PowerPoint. Please update for your Area or Division.  This slide deck example is for an Area holding three (3) Evaluation and three (3) International contests in one day.

For Zoom Master to display during the Speech Contests.  The first three slides after the title slide are for online Zoom host to move attendees into breakout rooms.

Region Quarterfinal Video Release

This document is only for the District International Speech Contest.  Each Division finalist must sign it prior to competing in the District’s International Speech Contest.  The signed release form is then sent with the winning contestant’s video and Speaker’s Certification of Eligibility and Originality to Toastmasters International for judging in the Quarterfinals. 

Item #1193 Region Quarterfinal Video Release


“Flow” Script for all contest officials

Humorous Script for Contest Toastmaster

International Script for Contest Toastmaster

Online Script for Contest Toastmasters

The scripts are for all stakeholders: clubs, areas, division and districts.   If assistance is needed to adapt, please contact RPrenticepqd[at]

Script Preamble Slide

Toastmasters legal disclaimer presented for  the  Online Speech Contests

Speaking Order - Online Draw - Wheel of Names is a fun, colorful wheel to use during contestant briefing sessions for choosing the speaking order for all contestants.

Spreadsheet - Steps to a Successful Online Contest

To view full size workbook, please click the icon on the far right of the spreadsheet

Toastmasters Contest participation and roles: How they fit into Pathways

We invite all club members to step outside your club settings to support all members that are competing and to serve as a contest official for the experience and professional growth.

Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Pathways Projects

Presenting an International Contest Speech could fit:

  • Ice Breaker
  • Evaluation and Feed Back
  • Introduction to TM Mentoring
  • Understanding your Communication Style
  • Understanding Your Leadership Style
  • Connect with Storytelling
  • Connect with Your Audience [required for Engaging Humor; elective for all other paths]
  • Inspire Your Audience
  • Persuasive Speaking (required for Presentation Mastery)
  • Understanding Vocal Variety
  • Using Descriptive Language
Contest Chair's Role Could Fit...

The Contest Chair organizes the contest(s), recruits the Chief Judge and Contest Toastmaster, verifies qualifications, briefs various roles and reports the results to the next contest level.

Managing Time

  • Planning and Implementing
  • Successful Collaboration
  • Develop a Communication Plan [for Visionary Communication]
  • Manage Projects SuccessfullyMotivate Others
  • High Performance
Contest Toastmaster's role could fit...

The Contest Toastmaster is the M.C. for the Contest. Together with the Contest Chair, the Contest Toastmaster briefs contestants, opens and manages the flow of the contest. He or she introduces and interviews the contestants.  Introductions for contestants  isnt the same as for meetings; rather the contest introductions follow  a very strict Toastmaster protocol. 

  • Deliver Social Speeches
  • Manage Online Meetings
Chief Judge's role could fit...
  • Develop a Communication Plan
  • Leading Your Team [for those working on Leadership Development]
  • Manage Projects Successfully


Zoom Master's role could fit ,,,

Manage Online Meetings

The Zoom Master is the host and greeter for the meeting welcoming everyone. He or she moves audience members, contest officials, judges and contestants into the Main Contest room from the “lobby.” May assist with technical issues, mute/unmute and problem solve for officials and contestants.  into the breakout rooms for briefings, ballot counting, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about the Toastmasters District 26 speech contests.
What are the eligibility requirements for contestants?

Contestants must be members in good standing of a club in good standing to be eligible to compete.  And,

  • International Speech contestants are required to have completed Pathways Levels 1 & 2 or have received the DTM award. (Exceptions for members of clubs that chartered within the year.)  Please ensure that your VPE has posted your competions on Base Camp and on Club Central. 
Can a contestant participate in multiple contests?
Yes, contestants can compete in all three categories: Online, Humorous, and International Speech Contests.
How are contestants selected at the club level?
Each club can choose its contestants by holding a contest or selecting members directly, as long as the process complies with the rulebook.
How many contestants can advance from the Area to Division level?

Only one winner from each Area contest can advance to the Division contests.

What happens if a club has fewer than 8 paid members?
Clubs must have at least 8 paid members to be in good standing and eligible to send contestants to the Area contests.
Are there briefings on what to expect for contestants, judges and contest officials?

Yes, briefings are held for contestants, judges, and other contest support roles before the contest. Attendance is critical for a fair competition.

Visit FAQs on Speech Contest Page

Join the Excitement of the 2024-2025 Speech Contests!

Participate in our upcoming speech contests and showcase your skills! Attend the mandatory briefings to ensure a smooth and fair competition. Your involvement is key to making this season a success!
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