District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska
Social Media


We all know that District 26 has tons of great events, special meetings, creative functions, accomplished clubs and Toastmasters. However, our District is over 200,000 square miles. With so many miles, clubs and members how can we keep track of what is going on in our district? Easy, Social Media.

  • You get to see other clubs great  ideas and use them at your club

District 26 Social Media is also a great place to share uplifting articles on Communication and Leadership too. So if you:

  • Read a great on-line article about Communication, share it
  • Read a great on-line article about Leadership, share it


Social Media is the way for all of us to keep up with each other’s events and accomplishments.

  • Is your club is having a debate? Share it.
  • Have a new (or repeat) DTM? Share it
  • Did your club just charter? Share it
  • Is your club having a speech-a-thon? Share it.
  • When your club makes Distinguished, Select Distinguished or Presidents Distinguished, share it.
  • Hosting Speak The Movie? Share it.
  • Having a Special Guest Speaker? Share it.
  • Having a Table Topics Meeting? Share it.
  • Is your club having an Open House? Share it.

The list is endless but it boils down to this, if there is anything outside your regular meeting we want to know. The reward in this is multiple:

  • If it’s an event, your club gets to share it with Toastmasters across the District and potentially get more guests
  • Your great  club ideas get seen by other Toastmasters and they can use them for their club


There are of course some guidelines we want to be mindful of. The following items will not be posted:

  • Events that are for personal gain
  • Events that are for financial gain
  • Secular business information
  • Basic Individual Toastmasters successes (CC, CL)
  • Personal milestones (marriages, births, etc.)


If you have items that you would like to share with District 26 just send the information you would like to share (and a photo if you have it), to the prm[at]  It will be uploaded as soon as we can.



Stop by and see what’s going on on the District 26 Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Don’t be a Silent Stalker, feel free to “Like” posts and leave comments . This is YOUR District’s pages, we want YOU to be a part of it.
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