District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska
Retention Awards by Kimberly Angell

Retention Awards by Kimberly Angell

Congratulations to the following 8 clubs for retaining 100% of their members for the first 6 months of our 2019/20 year and earning a $80 gift card from Amazon: • I'm Just Sayin' • Pronounce & Procure! • Comcast West Division Toastmasters • SouthGlenn Speakers •...

Guest Speakers by Maura Thompson

Guest Speakers by Maura Thompson

In my role as Club Retention Chair, I have found that low membership clubs have difficulty holding full and vibrant meetings. One of the reasons is that these Clubs have problems filling speaking slots. This makes it very difficult to hold a vibrant meeting and sadly...

Toastmasters Pathways Projects Impact Lives Outside of the Club Setting by Melissa Berg

Toastmasters Pathways Projects Impact Lives Outside of the Club Setting by Melissa Berg

Has a positive impact been made in your life by a Toastmasters Pathways project?  If so, yay! Me too! Recently, I completed the “Focus on the Positive” project in the Leadership Development path, a Level 3 elective. I am a pretty positive person by nature, so I wanted to enhance myself by seeing where areas of improvement are.

5 Pathways Myths “Busted”!  by Susie Overton District Pathways Advisor

Leadership and 80% Pathways by Susie Overton, D26 Pathways Advisor

As leaders, we guide members forward into the future. Are we ready for for June 30th, 2020 when the Traditional Program ends? What strategies do we have in place to ensure our clubs are positioned for success?

Adoption rates can help us monitor how we are doing. What is the adoption rate in your area of responsibility? Current adoption rate data by club is now available daily under District Central at As of 11/10/19 District 26 has a 74.5% adoption rate and only a third of our clubs have total enrollment of 80% or greater.

Guest Post Submission

Guest Post - Rules

District 26 Toastmasters Blog Article Submission Requirements:

Articles must be no more than 350-400 words and must include two images: one headshot and one for the article.

  • Email address
  • Full Name

The following is your information and if this is for another person their info as well:

  • Toastmasters Awards (CC, CL, DTM, Speech Contests, etc.)
  • Club Name(s) and offices held
  • Club(s) Social Media Links (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.)
  • Your Social Media Links (up to 3 accounts)
  • About You(person or thing it is about) (150 words)
  • Relevant Links for the Article
  • Got Images? (One Headshot + One for the Blog Post Banner Image)
Send Your Post Requests to:

You may send posts for review to PRM Keith Horowitz TM[at]

NOTE: Read the “Guest Post Rules” section above before posting. Submissions that do not follow these rules and standards will be rejected.

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