by District 26 Toastmasters | Sep 19, 2018 | District 26 Toastmasters
What does that “room” look like in Slack? Slack has three kinds of “rooms,” each room for hosting a different kind of conversation. One kind of “room” is called a “channel.” Slack channels will be the focus today. In my last blog post I mentioned Slack as a...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Sep 17, 2018 | District 26 Toastmasters
Greetings District 26, We are well into the swing of things with new club growth and new leads emerging frequently. Two clubs were chartered in August 2018: Yellowstone Toastmasters # 06495629, charter date 08/03/18 Eilorators Toastmasters #06992459, charter date...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Sep 11, 2018 | District 26 Toastmasters, Motivational/Inspirational
My experience at the 2018 International Convention can be described in one word: wonder. It started with wondering how I had gotten in my position in the first place. I left for Chicago in tears. Once my boarding pass was scanned, it hit me. After a summer of endless...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Sep 5, 2018 | District 26 Leadership, District 26 Toastmasters
Fellow Toastmasters, I felt privileged to carry the Swaziland flag in the opening ceremonies of the 2018 International Convention. To give you a perspective of why I wanted to carry the Swaziland flag, let me take you back four decades to when I was a young...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Aug 30, 2018 | District 26 Leadership, District 26 Toastmasters, Education/Training
Announcing the District 26 Fall Training Expo Saturday, October 20 in Denver! Do you want your club to be a model of excellence? Here is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of District 26 and learn ways to make your Toastmasters club...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Aug 29, 2018 | District 26 Toastmasters
Toastmasters are quitting or becoming inactive in droves, according to Toastmasters International World Headquarters. The average time a member stays is 18-20 months; however, they may become inactive prior to that. Member retention is easier than recruiting, but...