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District 26 Clubs with an Online Meeting Presence
Because COVID has forced so many of us to be online, we wanted to create a page for you to be able to find all the clubs in District 26 who have an online presence. In the future this information may change to Hybrid clubs or some clubs may opt out of being online at a later date. This is a great opportunity to visit other clubs in the District, join other clubs and become dual members or to invite others to explore what District 26 Toastmasters has to offer for guests around the world. To locate the club associated with each of these Zoom meetings in the meantime, please click **Here** to send an email requesting the club’s contact information for the password to the meeting you wish to attend. It is essential to obtain the password directly from the club, as the Zoom links will not grant you direct access to the meeting.
Click the Division link you are searching for to be taken to that area of the page
Denver Division
Eastern Division
Foothills Division
Metro Division
Northern Division
Southern Division
Urban Division
Western Division
List of Clubs in each Division listed below…
Denver Division
On Broadway Toastmasters
Club# 8491, https://onbroadwaytoastmasters.com/
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/98095463991
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm MT
Savvy Speakers Toastmasters Club
Club# 821, https://easy-speak.org/portal.php?c=1242
Meeting link:
Eastern Division
Club# 647252
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/4538674049
Fort Collins #375
Club# 375
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/295904109
Resource Masters
Club# 905038
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/84884010698
Sunrise Toastmasters
Club# 619
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/634492441
Loveland TM
Club# 4553
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/95814225041
Ayres Associates
Club# 8533
Meeting Link:
Lark Bunting
Club# 8695
Meeting Link:
Loveland Sweet Talkers
Club# 3975
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/88321399877
Peak Performance
Club# 3028311
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/9706724749
Greeley Early Risers
Club# 784
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/8605524271
Liberty Toastmasters North
Club# 1588571
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/81113731180
Club# 7818
Meeting Link: https://seagate.webex.com/meet/sarah.jolly
Speak With Ease
Club# 631413
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/236453084
Speakeasy II
Club# 3557
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/8289029919
Boulder Speakeasy
Club# 4780
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/81771020712
CU Toastmasters
Club# 8102
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/https://toastmasters.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8f982a0c98ced34035440e8ac&id=1ac7eb4278&e=544b04c3f1
Loquacious Lunch Bunch
Club# 7329
Meeting Link: Zoom.us/j/86344227058
Sure Speakers Society
Club# 603677
Meeting Link:
Foothills Division
Front Range Toastmasters Club
Club# 2668
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83659993416
WorldView Toastmasters Club
Club# 6104573
Meeting link: https://maxar.zoom.us/j/446344935?
Dam Good Speakers
Club# 3028571
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85005327395?
Opportunity Talks Toastmasters Club
Club# 4071
Meeting Link:
Solar Speak Club
Club# 9548
Meeting Link:
Chamber Ad-Lib Orators Club
Club# 770817
Meeting Link:
Speak Influence
Club# 6656872
Meeting Link:
Dawn Yawn Club
Club# 3218
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82893372105?
Golden Speak EZ
Club# 3748737
MS Teams
Metro Division
Titan Toastmasters
Club# 2368
Meeting Link: https://nuspire.zoom.us/j/938633654?
Parker Toastmasters
Club# 4881, https://parkertoastmasters.com
Meeting Link:
Highlands Ranch Toastmasters
Club# 601385, https://highlandsranch.toastmastersclubs.org
Meeting Link:
Ranch Raconteurs Club
Club# 873616, https://ranchraconteurs.toastmastersclubs.org
Meeting Link:
Tech Center Toastmasters
Club# 4329673, https://tct.toastmastersclubs.org/
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/6462920773
Northern Division
Morning Tour
Club# 2503
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/
Roadmasters of Cheyenne WY
Club# 639035, https://roadmasters.toastmastersclubs.org/
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85375671184?
Laramie Morning Toastmasters
Club# 5563
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/92044903476?
Southern Division
Currently Speaking Toastmasters
Club# 5481
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.
New Life Toastmasters Club
Club# 1275941
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
Pueblo Toastmasters
Club# 795, https://pueblotoastmasters.
Meeting Link:
Pueblo West Toastmasters
Club# 04662442
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
Peak Articulators, (Corporate, Restricted club)
Club# 2890434
Meeting Link: If you would like to attend a session, please contact Peak_Articulators_Officers[at]nullProgressive.com
Trusty Talkers
Club# 609265
WebEx Info meeting number: 126 561 4165
21st Century
Club# 4829
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85329981948?
Pikes Peak Toastmasters
Club# 3044, https://3044.toastmastersclubs.org
Meeting Link: Check out the website – will be changing periodically
Urban Division
Bob Ord Toastmasters
Club# 1588, https://bobordtmorg.toastmastersclubs.org/
Meeting Link: https://mymasterpieceliving.zoom.us/j/92713070922
Evening Stars
Club# 7448, https://7448.toastmastersclubs.org/
Meeting Link:
Western Division
Earlybird Club
Club# 1268
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
Alamosa Toastmasters
Club# 06822356
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/
Grand Junction Toastmasters Club
Club# 1671
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
Cloud Nine Toastmasters Club
Club# 02219273
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/3109193669
Roaring Colorado Toastmasters
Club# 05483592
Meeting link: www.zoom.us/j/81532101813
Excelsior Advanced TM
Club# 00003247
Meeting link: Meeting ID: 927 6402 6600
Speech Masters Advanced Club
Club# 06604501
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/
Mountain TM
Club# 7992
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
Westside Speakeasy TM
Club# 8361
Meeting link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/