District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates


Please bookmark this page since updates are constantly posted.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is significantly impacting our members and clubs. District 26 and Toastmasters International are monitoring the situation and taking the necessary steps to support our members during this difficult time. Please use your best judgement to keep yourself and those around you safe.

To help facilitate online events, District 26 has upgraded our Zoom Pro account to Business. We will distribute user login credentials to each Trio and Division Director for sharing within their chairs and clubs. More details to follow.

Contests Impact

Please contact your Area or Division Director for specific contest details and/or the D26 calendar.

All speech contest at the area, division, and district level must be conducted online

Clubs Impact

Many Toastmasters clubs are losing access to their meeting sites, as town halls, community rooms, eldercare facilities, churches, and other venues close their doors to outside groups or simply prohibit events. The Board of Directors has made the exception that all clubs in all Districts can meet entirely online, as needed, effective immediately and until further notice.

  • If you continue to meet in person, please consider using an alternative to handshaking and other social distance strategies per the CDC recommendations.
  • We invite all clubs to begin meeting online, and to use the Internet to “close the social distance” with fellowship and community interaction in challenging times.
  • We will continue to add resources to the new Online Meetings page.

District Conference and Council Meetings through June 30, 2021

Districts will benefit from having the option to conduct both the Annual District Conference and Council meetings online through June 30, 2021. This will ensure each District has the flexibility to accommodate the needs and safety of their members and will not be bound to the requirement of having to conduct the Annual District Conference and Council meeting in-person. In the event that an in-person event is organized, the District must provide online participation options for members who cannot attend in person.


Be well,

Jacqueline Smith, District Director

Victoria Cox, Program Quality Director

Jeff Scott Ruiz, Club Growth Director

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