District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Guess what?

It’s time to start building club membership early in the Toastmasters year. 

That’s right, if you add 5 new, dual or reinstated members between now, August 1 – September 30, you’ll qualify to receive a “Smedley Award” ribbon, named in honor of Ralph Smedley, which you can display on your club’s banner.

In addition to a ribbon, there are Toastmasters International and District 26 incentives. From Toastmasters International, the club receives a 10% discount on its next order at the Toastmasters International Web store. From District 26, the club receives an additional reward of $25 toward a TI Web store order.

Clubs that accomplished the goal in 2017:

Cherry Creek Toastmasters Club, 8 members

Lodo Toastmasters Club, 5 members

So how many members can your club add between August 1 – September 30 to make sure your club is on the roster for 2018???
Get out there and tell the world what a great organization Toastmasters is and bring in those new members!!!!
Jacqueline L. Smith, MPA, ACG, ALB
Club Growth Director, 2018-2019
Toastmasters International, District 26
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