District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Most people join Toastmasters to grow their communication skills, but many like me have discovered that there is much more.

At the 2019 World Convention, my eyes were opened to the expanded potential that TI really offers.  As the District Finance Manager, I felt like a man among titans.  Every education session changed how I see the world around me.  Every event resulted in more greatness than those before them.  Every new person I met represented more mutual life impact.

What’s your story?  Are you a single mother who needs to develop skills to provide a better life for your children?  Are you an engineer who can’t speak to your boss?  Do you work in a warehouse but want to be a professional comedian?  Have you felt limited in life due to a disability?  Are you tired of being ignored by those around you, but don’t know how to be heard?

Toastmasters is a tool which we can use to advance pieces of our lives.  These range from giving better presentations to customers, job interview skills, finance management, event planning and even project management.  We also learn soft skills such as conflict resolution, negotiation, time management, and mentoring/coaching.  We all become better versions of ourselves because of this organization, and we are also given the chance to help others do the same.

Regardless of age, gender, nationality, religion, political belief, physical condition, background, or career, Toastmasters is a level playing field for everyone to grow.  No one that attended is the same as they were before this week started, just like none of us are the same as we were before walking through the doors of our first club meeting.

No matter where you are now, there is a destiny awaiting you.  When I worked as an automation electrician, I never imagined I would be able to stand in front of a room of hundreds of people comfortably, delivering a message which every word had deep and meaningful impact to those listening.  I never thought I would confidently mentor someone 30 years my senior in a position far above my own.

Are you still waiting?  Let me encourage you to take the first step toward greatness.  Discover the true potential Toastmasters can bring to your life just like myself and so many before me.  You aren’t in this alone, and I’d love to be a part of your journey.  Will you join me?

JP Bachmann, DTM
District 26 – Finance Manager 2019-2020

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