District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Greetings, District 26.

Can you believe we’ve almost completed our first quarter? The Smedley membership drive is still active. If your club adds five new, dual or reinstated members between August 1st and September 30th, it can qualify to receive a Smedley Award ribbon for the club’s banner. Qualifying clubs could also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order! Click here for more information. A few clubs have scheduled virtual Open Houses this month. Awesome job!

We have so far contacted 85 prospects who have expressed interest this year in forming a Toastmasters club. To date, we are in active communication with 10 of them. We have also identified clubs who are eligible for coaching. Some are likely on their way out, but many have asked for help. Several coaches have already been appointed to this supportive role. We’d love more of your support in helping these struggling clubs.

Good news! At the Convention, the Board of Directors made the following declarations: For the 2020-21 program year, Districts may charter fully online clubs which become part of that District. Policy 2.0 now states that club meetings can be conducted either in-person, online or a combination of the two (hybrid). All clubs may choose to meet completely online WITHOUT rechartering as an online club. This is especially great news for corporate clubs, as many of them have been under the impression they couldn’t meet at all, even though they’ve been working virtually for many months.

As always, please contact me any time with feedback, ideas or questions at[at]







Jeff Scott Ruiz, DTM

Club Growth Director, District 26

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