In my role as Club Retention Chair, I have found that low membership clubs have difficulty holding full
and vibrant meetings. One of the reasons is that these Clubs have problems filling speaking slots. This
makes it very difficult to hold a vibrant meeting and sadly most guests likely will not return.
To help these clubs fill speaking slots, District 26 is compiling a list of speakers willing to be guest
speakers at these clubs. The idea is to get as many speakers, no matter speaking level so there is a large
well for Clubs to draw from. That would ensure that no guest speaker would be called upon repeatedly.
Any speaker may refuse any request and speakers are being divided based on the Division/s they would
prefer to speak in. Travel should not be a hardship for any guest speaker.
Speakers can list any specific topic that might help clubs or they can give a speech on anything they
choose to speak on. Some clubs might be looking for specific help; some might just need butts at the
If you would like to help clubs AND get in more time speaking, let us know and we will add you to the
list. Please email me at maurathompsontm[at], include your name, email address, preferred
speaking Division and if you have any preferred topic/s.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Maura Thompson, DTM
Club Retention Chair 2019/20
District 26 Toastmasters