District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Happy April, D26 Toastmasters!

Spring has sprung, but it seems Mother Nature hasn’t received the memo yet around here. As we prepare to wind down the final quarter of our program year, there is much we can do before the home stretch. We are in discussions with three prospective clubs who are eager to join our District. Yes, we are seeing renewed interest in people wanting to start Toastmasters clubs. How cool is that! Remember the New Club incentive has been extended through June 30, 2021. If a club charters by then, the charter fee will be refunded, and the $20 fee for each new member will be waived so long as the new club’s dues are paid in advance.

As of April 15th, we anticipate holding three Demonstration Meetings for prospects before July. This is a critical time for volunteers to help out with putting on meetings for them. Please help get the word out to our members so we can put on great showings for our District!

The Speechcraft program has been enhanced at Toastmasters International, and is now offered online in much the same fashion as Pathways. There is a cost to each club of $50 and it’s all online. However, I have hard copy workbooks of the legacy program that D26 is providing for free to any club who requests the kit. Additionally, we have some legacy PDF files of the same kits. They will teach you what you need to know about implementing the program to your club.

Our Retention efforts have been strong all year; but they have been very difficult to resolve, especially with corporate clubs. Hopefully, we will see some re-engagement and more participation once the government restrictions ease. The club suspension waiver from World Headquarters should help with keeping those flailing clubs on life support.

Our Club Growth team is always available to answer questions or provide more information. Please contact Extension Chair Mary Watson (nyassa[at]; Retention Chair Terry Ploski (terryploski28083[at]; Club Coach Chair Gbolahan Lasaki (glasaki[at]; or myself ([at] at any time.

Jeff Scott Ruiz
Club Growth Director

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