District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Happy New Year!

As the calendar turned July 1st , the Toastmasters world began another fiscal year.

Thanks in advance for our many volunteers who have stepped up to build, and strengthen D26! We have
assembled an experienced and passionate team to support our 193 clubs. Everyone is quickly learning
their new roles.

Contact details are posted here:

Are you, or someone you know, interested in helping at the District level? We have a few unfilled roles
as represented by a TBD or blank space. These include Area Directors (for DTM credit), District Director,
Club Growth and Public Relations, teams. Please contact me if interested or would like to nominate

My focus this year is to “Have Fun. Get Better.”

My reasons for this stem from my youth football coaching days. We asked players and parents to describe their season goals.

We offered many suggestions,but both group results were the same: to have fun while learning the game.

Sometimes in all the Toastmasters protocols, procedures and pomp and circumstances, we forget the
primary reason to join and stay in a club, are similar. If members are not having fun, gaining confidence
and strengthening their presentation skills, many won’t stick around.

Let’s embrace Ralph Smedley’s quote this year,

“We learn best in moments of enjoyment.”

I look forward to a great year!

Mike Akins, DTM

District Director 2019-2020

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