District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska


Program Quality Director


  1. Logistics Manager–assists with securing facilities, including catering, set-up, A/V needs, room rental needs, etc for large District events such as District Officer Training, Hall of Fame event and Annual Conference. For other “smaller” events, the logistics are generally handled by the Division and/or Area Directors.
  2. Conference Chair–assists with PQD with organizing and planning the annual conference, including recruiting of sub-chairs. This person may also serve as the chair for the Hall of Fame event.

Club Growth Director

  1. Club Extension Chair-assists CGD in contacting and following up on leads.  Also assists in recruiting club sponsors (who assist prospective clubs become fully chartered clubs) and club mentors (who assist newly chartered clubs become acclimated to the Toastmasters program for a period of 6 months)
  2. Club Sponsor/Mentor Chair–recruits sponsors to assist prospective clubs with chartering process and recruits mentors to assist newly chartered clubs for 6 months
  3. Club Coach Chair–assists CGD in identifying and placing coaches in coach eligible clubs (clubs with 12 or less members)
  4. Club Retention Chair–assists CGD in identifying and addressing potential retention issues with clubs with members from 3-8 members
  5. Kickoff Meeting Coordinator–when a prospective group is ready for a demonstration kickoff meeting, this person schedules the meeting and obtains volunteers (one speaker, one evaluator, table topics master, timer, general evaluator) 30 minutes for meeting, 15-30 Q & A


Public Relations Team: Website Editor (Open)

  1. Website Editor: to assist the District with Website Requests to update pages, links and content. The Website Editor needs to be familiar with WordPress and either know DIVI Modules or be willing to learn. The Website Editor also needs to have a general understanding of Web Design or being willing to learn. Many times, it is up to use the Website Team, to help the TRIO to design and determine needs on the information, content or sites desired.


Audit Chair: (Open)

  1. The Audit Committee is appointed by the District Director and is composed of at least three Toastmasters members who are not members of the District Executive Committee. Led by the audit chair, the Committee confirms that District funds were spent appropriately.


Speaker’s Bureau: (Open)

  1. Speakers’ Bureau is a complimentary service provided to the community that allows Toastmasters members to provide speeches and presentations outside of the club setting.  Speeches and presentations typical range from 10-30 minutes, depending on the subject matter.  Outside of Toastmasters, the Speakers’ Bureau will connect Toastmasters members to corporations, colleges/universities, associations, etc and allow members opportunities to speak on a variety of topics, while endorsing the Toastmasters mission.  The slate of speakers will be available to provide keynote addresses, motivational and inspirational speeches, master/mistress of ceremonies services, meeting facilitators, etc.  Speakers’ Bureau also services to district members by providing speakers for Toastmasters events such as trainings, Evaluation speech contests etc.
    Topics for Speakers’ Bureau speakers (not exhaustive):
    Strategic Planning
    Goal Setting
    Goal setting
    Health & Wellness
    Why Join?
    Provide visibility for Toastmasters
    Gain experience speaking before a non-Toastmasters
    Gain valuable experience and exposure
    Further your area of expertise
    Get credit by having another Toastmasters to evaluate your speech
    Eligibility to Join
    Member in good standing in District 26
    Completion of Level 2 of any path in Pathways or a professional speaker
    Submission of a 10-20 minute video in an area of expertise
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