District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

October 1st deadline for re-enrollment has come and gone.

It would appear that several clubs in all areas are in need of more members.

We all bring a special talent to our clubs and now is the time to share your knowledge.

We are looking for coaches to help clubs that are at a low membership level.

Coaches meet with the club board members and find out what they are in need of. Then the coach will discuss goals and options for the club. The coach will support the club until they have reached a distinguished level or for a maximum time limit of two years.  The Win-Win in coaching is that this year you will get ALS credit for coaching and credit for holding a district position. Also you can help a club that is near to your work or home.

New Set of Eyes

Sometimes all we need is a new set of eyes to see a new perspective. A part of Toastmasters is to support each other so we all succeed together. Please consider how this will allow you to grow outside your comfort zone and branch out into a leadership role.

Coach Chair

We have a Coach Chair, John James, that will assist you in getting assigned to a club, advise you of the expectations and assist with any coaching you need to help the clubs.

To Do List

  • Find a club that is 12 members or less.
  • Find a club that meets when you are able to attend.
  • Contact John James with this information and we will reach out to the club and get back to you.


John James    toastmasterjohnathan[at]

Victoria Cox[at]

Victoria Cox, DTM

Club Growth Director, 2019-2020, District 26

October 2019 Blog Article

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