District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

2024 Online Speech Contest

 Please refer to the2024-2025 rulebook for details

The Online Speech Contest enables members to practice public speaking and content development in a competitive setting using an online platform. The topic and purpose of each speech is determined by the speaker. Every speech should fit within the overall purpose of the contest: To clearly develop and present ideas in a substantially original speech.

Important deadlines

  • October 26th  Clubs let  Division Director know they are having a contest or sending a contestant.
  • November 9th – All Area Contests are conducted


November 9th Area Contest Schedules

8:30 AM to 12:00 PM – Eastern,  Northern,  and Urban Division Area Contests
12:30 PM to 5:30 PM – Denver, Foothills, Metro, and Southern Division Area  Contests

Please pre-register to attend all Area Contests.  For the registration link, Click on a specific division that follows:



Speech Contest Rulebook 2024-2025                                            Online Contest Rules begin on page 21

   Speech Time ~ 5 – 7 minutes:  Qualifying time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds (4:30) Minimum;  7 minutes, 30 seconds (7:30) Maximum
Contestant Eligibility
Contestant Profile
1189 Speech Contestant Profile-ff
1176 Counters Tally Sheet-ff
Digital Certificates- Participant                          1st Place Winner                                  2nd Place Winner                        3rd Place Winner

510D Participant Speech Contest Certificate-ff

 510A First Place Speech Contest Certificate-ff

510B Second Place Speech Contest Certificate-ff

510C Third Place Speech Contest Certificate-ff

(Voting) Judges Guide & Ballot
Online Speech Contest Judges Guide and Ballot
Tiebreaking Judges Guide & Ballot
1189B Online Speech Contest Tiebreaking Judges Guide and Ballot
Judge’s Certification of Eligibility
1170 Judges Certification of Eligibility
JUDGING vs. EVALUATING:         The Difference
Timer & Timer Virtual Backgrounds


Results 1168 Results Form-ff
Winners 1182-notification-contest-winner-ff (1)
Speaking Position Draw
Contestant Briefing Document to be added
Chief Judge’s Briefing Chief-Judges-Briefing-for-Onine-Speech-Contest
Script Document to be added
Online Speech Contest Statement 2024 Online Contest Statement

Highlights of Online speech contest

  • All contestants and contest officials are participating online from physically distant locations
  • Eligibility (similar to all contests)
  • Each contestant is a paid member
  • Contestant’s club is in good standing (minimum 8 paid members)
  • Contestant is not running for an office and is  not in district leader position
  • Contestant can only compete in one Area
  • All Judges at club level are paid members
  • All Judges at area/division/district contests are paid members for minimum 6 months, have Levels 1 & 2 completed,
  • Speech time & cards: Green (5), Yellow (6), Red (7)
  • For contestant’s technical difficulty (audio and video), 10 minutes adjustment is allowed. see details in rulebook
    External voting system is prohibited
  • What is the difference between the online speech contest and International speech contest?
    • For the International Speech Contest L1 & L2 are required.
    • For the Online speech contest, there is no minimum educational requirements

To view the following PowerPoint presentations, Spreadsheet and Videos, please click on the icon located in the lower right hand corner to enlarge each. 

Spreadsheet/Workbook for Contest Planning

6 Crucial Contest Judging Forms

Click Icon on the lower right of the PowerPoint to open the Full Presentation for viewing.

Best Practices Online Speech Contest (Toastmasters Webinar)  

Click here to view this webinar,

created in 2020 by Toastmasters International to help online contestants adjust their speaking area for optimum presentation. Starting at 22 minutes into the recording, it provides practical suggestions for lighting, audio, and video quality.

Mastering the Judge’s Chair

Click the lower right Icon to download to view full screen presentation.

Mastering the Judge’s Chair Workshop – October 18, 2024

This recording of District 26’s October 18, 2024 Judges’ training workshop provides an overview of Judges’ roles, speech contest rules, and best practices.

Area & Division To Do’s PowerPoint

Click the Icon on the lower right of PowerPoint to download the full page presentation.

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