District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Pathways Resources

Submit Your Education Achievements on BOTH Base Camp & Club Central.

Please visit to receive additional information about the new Learning Management System.

Dear Toastmaster,

You may already know that the Pathways learning experience is moving to a new Learning Management System (LMS) in the first half of next year. Toastmasters International is preparing to transfer your education data from the existing LMS to the new one well in advance of the transition to support a successful launch.To ensure that your education achievements transition to the new LMS correctly, you need to check that they are all submitted on BOTH Base Camp and Club Central. If you were identified as someone who may not currently have everything submitted in both places, Toastmasters sent you an email.  In this space, your district is including the information that was sent to those selected members.Learn how to check your submissions in the below 4-minute screencast video. Then, if you discover that an achievement was submitted to one platform but not the other, ask your Club President, Vice President Education, or Club Secretary to make the missing submission on your behalf.

Watch video

The above video show members how to take the following steps:

  1. In My Home, find the “Education and Achievements” section.
  2. Review your education awards on the Achievement Board. These are the awards you received recognition for from Toastmasters International.
  3. Now compare to your achievements on Base Camp by navigating to the Paths and Learning page in your curriculum.
  4. If a path is not complete, verify each level completion by opening the path.
  5. For completed paths, navigate to the “Completed Paths” section.

If you discover any achievements submitted on Club Central but not Base Camp (or vice versa), ask your club officer to make the needed submission on your behalf.  If you did not check that this was done by the Toastmasters recommended deadline of December 15th, we recommend that you do so immediately to ensure your data is correct in the new LMS.

The following video is for club officers to review to help their members make any corrections to be ready for the new system.

 Pathways is a competency-based program that has eleven specialized learning paths. Each learning path has five levels of achievement that increase in complexity and contain at least fourteen projects with a mix of required and elective projects.

For the new Level 1 projects added in October 2021, demonstration videos for vocal variety, body language, and gestures have also been provided.

October 2021 – New Level 1 Projects

A new and revised Pathways Level 1 Project was leased in English on October 27, 2021. The new Level 1 includes two new projects that join a revised Ice Breaker and Evaluation and Feedback. “Writing a Speech with Purpose” and “Introduction to Vocal Variety and Body Language” will help teach new members basic public speaking skills right away and set them up for success on their Toastmasters journey. The Researching and Presenting project is now an elective in Level 3. All English paths purchased on or after October 27, 2021, include the new Level 1. Paths in progress or already completed will continue with the previous Level 1 projects.




Toastmasters International Resources

District 26 Supplemental Resources


Pathways Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)

1. Complete two paths
2. Serve as a club officer for 12 months
3. Serve as a district officer for 1 year
4. Serve as a club mentor or club coach
5. Serve as a club sponsor, conduct a Speechcraft/Youth Leadership Program
7. Complete DTM capstone project

Upcoming Pathways Trainings

Recorded Videos for Viewing

Base Camp Member Feedback


D26 Pathways Support Team

Contact Pathways Advisor for questions or to request training by a support team member in your area 

Susie Overton[at]

Teresa Morrison

Pathways Toastamonial

“I have to admit: I was a little hesitant about jumping into Pathways at first; it took me a while to build up momentum. But how serendipitous it has been once I did jump in! “


Pathways Toastamonials

“Peak Articulators Pathways specifically zeroes in on what I want to get out of Toastmasters. The tutorials offer me insights that are very poignant and are even more impactful presented via an electronic format. The videos and interactive modules have a definite edge over paper. As a new Toastmaster, Pathways is a modern approach to improving the skills that matter to me!”

Zach T

Pathways Toastamonial

“With the completion of all 5 Levels of each path, my understanding and acceptance of Pathways has become so much more complete. The more paths I do, the better I like Pathways! The combination of the academic research, self-awareness projects, and experiential projects is a huge plus.”

Bonnie Ann

Pathways Toastamonials

“In Pathways, I’ve studied Communication Styles and Emotional Intelligence, These two projects have empowered me with communication skills that go far beyond simply public speaking. I found out that I was a Direct Communicator – who knew?!  I now understand the importance of relaxing, detaching and refocusing when necessary to maintain a connection.”


Pathways Toastamonials

“What I value most about the Pathways program is the focus on specific objectives and skill-building for each speech.  I find the tutorials, project descriptions, and project checklists quite helpful. Each project has been appropriately challenging.  There is incremental growth in skill level and confidence with each speech. I find having frequent benchmarks, such as completion of one level, and acknowledgment from the club upon reaching each benchmark, as very motivating.  With all the various paths, there growth opportunities for years to come!”

Marliss C

Pathways Toastamonial

“In Pathways, I’ve studied Communication Styles and Emotional Intelligence, These two projects have empowered me with communication skills that go far beyond simply public speaking. I found out that I was a Direct Communicator – who knew?! I now understand the importance of relaxing, detaching and refocusing when necessary to maintain a connection.”


Pathways Toastamonial

“I have learned about my communication style, how to manage change, and how to present a proposal. I even learned how my emotions affect my communication! Pathways goes beyond the typical 5-7 minute speech projects; it creates unlimited possibilities for personal and professional growth. I am so glad I decided to jump on the Pathways wagon.”


Pathways Toastamonial

“I like how all of the level 1’s are the same. It’s great to have experienced Toastmasters give an ice breaker as both an introduction and example to newer club members. By having several of the speeches within different paths have the same focus, I get to see how different people approach the same project and can learn from their interpretation.”


Pathways Toastamonial

“Even after completing a level, we have continued access to the prior level projects. I like the expanded project options that gives us. AND it makes the next paths much easier to get through. I can review, and even make use of, the electives and projects I did before. It really helps me with planning and presentation timing.”

Bonnie Ann

Pathways Toastamonial

“Our club functions like an integrated system, with all members contributing to the whole. We apply the synergy of fun supporting learning lesson from Ralph Smedley and have a strong esprit de corps. Having a fun, friendly environment made it natural for all of us to get on board with Pathways – together! – despite our differences. In my humble opinion, that esprit de corps is the reason we’ve achieved 100% adoption of Pathways.”


Pathways Toastamonial

“I have found Pathways to be a highly effective learning tool in my Toastmasters experience. Having the section on giving and receiving feedback early in the curriculum was highly effective. Making me give feedback to more experienced speakers was challenging yet a vital first step in my understanding of Toastmasters.”


Pathways Toastamonial

“The path names are descriptive in that my company can better understand how Toastmasters learnings tie directly to my everyday job responsibilities and help with my career growth.”


Pathways Toastamonial

“For my job, I give a lot of presentations using PowerPoint; I need to be persuasive and motivational at times. I started with the area I needed the most practice: Motivational speaking. In Level 3, there are for 13 ‘elective’ options that I can choose from, giving me the ability to focus on the areas where I need the most work. I only need to complete two of them, but I love the option to select which 2 (or more!) that I work on.“


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