District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Baseball teams are trading players at this time of year.

Managers work to fill the gaps and make a strong run to win the division, league, and the World Series. Team owners and scouts look for the best baseball players: those with stamina, talent, personality traits that fit the dynamic of the team, hitters who produce runs, and pitchers who throw blistering fast balls over the plate. 

If Toastmasters clubs were able to trade players, who would they search for? Surely, players with stamina and talent, and personalities that fit the dynamic of the team. Instead of hitters and pitchers, however, what traits would be desirable for a Toastmasters member? Someone who would Keep the Promise and Meet the Challenge?



The Toastmasters Promise includes habits such as attending meetings regularly, bringing guests, serving as an officer when asked, volunteering for meeting assignments, preparing speeches based on the educational program, and providing helpful and constructive evaluations.

The Toastmasters Challenge at the start of the new program year is for club officers to prepare and share the club’s Success Plan with other members so they can work toward measurable goals and achieve Distinguished status or better at the end of the year.

If there’s such a thing as a Fantasy Toastmasters Club, let’s make sure we are desirable players, so valuable that no manager would ever trade us to another club for a player to be named later.

Marcia Wood

District 26 Director 2018/2019

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