by District 26 Toastmasters | May 29, 2019 | District 26 Toastmasters, Press Release, Public Relations, Social Media, Toastmasters
Let’s start simple. Do you know what a Press Release is? A Press Release is News Release. Why do you use a Press Release, Free press, Free Media? A Press Release is used to gain FREE Media from the press. What can it do for your club, events, and even...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Mar 19, 2019 | District 26 Leadership, District 26 Toastmasters
There are many milestones happening in the month of March -club contests and dues renewals to name a few. But what about Strategic Planning? How is your club doing on its quest for excellence? Will your club, and you personally, finish the year strong by achieving the...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Feb 25, 2019 | District 26 Toastmasters, Education/Training
Have you heard that Toastmasters International has found a way to help more people achieve their DTM before the end of the traditional program on June 30, 2020? If you are working toward your traditional DTM but thought you’d have to start over with Pathways due...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Feb 13, 2019 | District 26 Toastmasters, Public Relations, Social Media
Many times Vice Presidents Public Relations (VPPRs) and other leaders ask me, “What do I post on Social Media?” “When Do I post?” “How often?” I am glad you asked! This is my forte. My background is in Social Media Strategy. I will...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Jan 4, 2019 | District 26 Toastmasters, Motivational/Inspirational, Public Relations
Wherever you go, whatever you do . . . you are a Toastmaster. That means whatever you do, wherever you go, whatever you say, how you treat someone, how you represent yourself online, how you represent yourself offline, you are still a Toastmaster. As a Toastmaster, it...