by District 26 Toastmasters | Nov 8, 2020 | District Director, Leaders
Fellow District 26 Toastmasters, if I were to survey a sample of you and inquire of your reasons for joining Toastmasters, intuitively, I would say that most of you joined Toastmasters to work on your communication skills. I would venture to say that many of you did...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Jan 5, 2020 | District 26 Leadership, Program Quality Director
What is leadership? The person who has the capacity to guide and direct a group of people toward a common goal. Who is a leader? YOU are! The Toastmasters International tagline says, “Where Leaders are Made”. Have you ever considered what that statement truly means?...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Dec 10, 2019 | District 26 Leadership, District 26 Toastmasters, Immediate Past District Director
Leadership means different things to different people. What does it mean to you? To me, leadership is having the courage and confidence to conquer your fear and do what you think you cannot do. Taking the leap to leadership can be scary if you let it. Just as public...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Nov 20, 2019 | District Pathways Advisor
As leaders, we guide members forward into the future. Are we ready for for June 30th, 2020 when the Traditional Program ends? What strategies do we have in place to ensure our clubs are positioned for success? Adoption rates can help us monitor how we are doing. What...
by District 26 Toastmasters | Jul 29, 2019 | Club Growth Director, District 26 Leadership, District 26 Toastmasters, TRIO
District 26: thank you for electing me to this position! I will do my best to keep moving our district forward. Open Positions: Club Retention and Extension Chair as well as a Sponsor and Mentor Chair. If interested please email me! I joined Toastmasters in February...