District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Greetings District 26,

Did you know that the first-ever virtual Toastmasters International Convention is quickly approaching?  That’s right, the first-ever virtual Toastmasters International Convention is August 24 -29, 2020.  The best news is that the convention is FREE!!!!!  Please click here to register.

There are many activities that will occur such as the Opening Ceremonies, Toastmasters International Board of Directors Town Hall meeting, the Accredited Speaker Program, the Semifinals and the World Championship of Public Speaking.  Those are just a few of the events planned.

Guess what else is planned?  The ever-important Annual Business Meeting.  The Annual Business meeting will occur on Friday, August 28, 2020.  All clubs in good standing have a vote as well as the District Director.  We will be voting on Proposal A and Proposal B.  Proposal A would increase the number of International Directors for each region from 1 to 2 and would increase the maximum percentage of clubs in a region from 15% to 20%.  Proposal B would allow a charged individual, subject to a disciplinary hearing before the Board, 96 hours prior the hearing to provide information.  Additionally, we will be voting in one International Officer and seven International Directors.  More information may be found here.

In order for your club’s vote to be heard, presidents or secretaries must go to Club Central to assign the club proxy.  You may assign the proxy to me.

Thank you.

Jacqueline L. Smith, MPA, DTM

District Director 2020-21

Toastmasters International, District 26

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