District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

This is the time of year that we discuss giving to others. This does not mean just gifts or money. We can share our experiences in life to help others not make the same mistakes we have. We can also share our time with others even though we can not see them face to face.

Toastmasters is a volunteer organization and there are many of us in District 26 that give our time to others. We do this to help members grow in the areas they feel they need help, whether it is speaking in front of others, increasing our volume while speaking or watching the words we use while speaking.

The other things we give is our leadership knowledge from the positions we have held over the years. I had the privilege of being a President, VP of Education, VP of Membership, and Treasurer for my clubs over the last 9 years. I was an Area Director, Division Director, Club Growth Director and currently hold the position of Program Quality Director. I get to lead because of the people in my life that have given their time to me and have allowed me to grow.

I would like you to think of someone in your club(s) that you can share your time with whether it is to just check in with them or provide feedback to them. We all have different qualities and there is no better time to share than during the holiday season.


Victoria Cox, DTM

District 26 Program Quality Director 2020-2021

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