District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Wherever you go, whatever you do . . . you are a Toastmaster.

That means whatever you do, wherever you go, whatever you say, how you treat someone, how you represent yourself online, how you represent yourself offline, you are still a Toastmaster.

As a Toastmaster, it is our job to “Protect the Brand.”

“Protecting the Brand” means being aware of who we are outside of Toastmasters as much as who we are when performing in a Toastmaster capacity.

The outside world associates Toastmasters in high regard. When someone hears that you are a Toastmaster, they have higher expectations of your leadership and speaking skills than they would for the common person.

They expect someone to speak and act with a set of values with:

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Service
  • Excellence

I challenge you, to be cognizant of what and who you are representing.

Are you representing Toastmasters in the best light? Could any grievances be taken offline and handled in private as perhaps they should be? Is what you are saying going to reflect badly on you, your club, your District? Is how you act in public the same if a district leader were next to you? If someone found out you were a Toastmaster, would you be pleased with how you acted or what you said? Would you want what you said to be sent to a District leader or even higher? Would you act the same way if you knew headquarters or our CEO and International President were aware of your actions?

Perhaps, this is another reason to look at your WHY.

Why did you join Toastmasters? Why are you still in toastmasters? What are your reasons for staying? Why do you invite others? Are you proud to be a Toastmaster? Why?

Maybe taking stock at this time of year in your Toastmaster life and how not only Toastmasters affects YOU, but how YOU affect Toastmasters.

Because, no matter where you go, or what you do, or how you say it, or who you say it to…


You Are Toastmasters

For more information on proper code of conduct as a Toastmaster, please go to Toastmasters Policy 3.0, Point 4 with information for how to act online, on social media and more.



Trixie Hunter-Merrill

Public Relations Manager 2018-2019

District 26 Toastmasters

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