District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Getting guests in the door is key to club health.

Public Relations, also known as marketing, is the first stage in the membership pipeline.

Each club has an officer, the VP Public Relations, who is responsible for coordinating the beam of information to get people in the door.

Each VP Public Relations is part of a bigger team in District 26. The more we all work together, the better we do as a whole. As a team, we all work together to create more success than each of us working individually.

My name is Keith Horowitz. My big job this year is as Public Relations Manager for District 26. I am very lucky to have the continued help of last year’s very experienced PRM, Trixie Hunter-Merrill.

My role as Public Relations Manager is to work with the team that is responsible for our District’s communications tools and content. This includes internal and external communications. My vision is to have interesting and engaging content. Look for us to share ideas to help clubs garner guests, plan and produce activities to make guest want to show up and join, and give you more information on Toastmasters and our District.

I’ve learned in marketing, that there are two key times when a person will buy a product: at the second view and the seventh view. With the name Toastmasters, it often takes 7 or more times to get people enough past their preconceptions and fears to be able to visit a Toastmasters club.

As part of the larger organization of Toastmasters International, we are responsible for helping people understand the outstanding value that the Toastmasters program provides. Each and every member is responsible for upholding the brand of Toastmasters – this includes not only how we use the logo and materials, but also how we present ourselves and others in Toastmasters.

For logo use, we have the ability to use pre-branded materials free for download. We also have a group to contact in International to review any other use for our own custom printed materials. My team can also help you with designing electronic and printed materials.

Having vibrant, well planned, and well directed information will get us more members, better information, and growing clubs! Look for more information from the District on these Marketing topics and more. I look forward to doing my best to drive our success!

Keith Horowitz
Public Relations Manager 2019-2020
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