District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Video Library

Toastmasters District 26 has provided you with a variety of tools for your toolbox to help you along the way. Starting with Webinars, we will slowly add other tools to this page for better tips and tricks! Please feel free to contact us if you have suggestions for what tools you need or would like to see.
2024 District International Speech Contest Videos

Daniel Fleig – “Showing People You Care”

Leila Kubesch – “Two-Way Street”

Mona Rosene – “Recycle”


Vivian Cobb – “Worthy of a Conversation”

Keith Bailey – Your Words Matter

James Ennis – The Journey from a Scarcity to an Abundant Mindset”



Rich Hopkins – “Let’s Play”

Speechcraft - January 27, 2024 | Club Officers Training/Toastmasters Leadership Institute (COT/TLI)

Toastmasters #1 Membership Building Program for Clubs
Speechcraft Marketing – How to attract New Members and Retain Existing Ones
Download Session Handout . Presented at the D26 January 27, 2024 TLI


Speech Contest Training Video - November 11th - Judges, Contestants, Contest Staff (i.e., functionary roles)
From Chief Judge Presenter, Beth Boaz, DTM, PID, Area D5 Director 2023 – 2024

Thank you to all who attended the November 11 session on serving as a contest functionary, judge, or contestant.

I must correct my answer to the question of whether a tiebreaking judge may lodge a protest regarding eligibility or originality.

 The correct answer is: “No, a tiebreaking judge may not lodge a protest.”

 Here’s why:

  • The contest rulebook, Section 5 – General Procedure states: “At club contests, a contest chair, chief judge, at least five (5) voting judges, a tiebreaking judge, two (2) counters, and two (2) timers are appointed, unless impractical.”  Clearly, tiebreaking judges are not considered voting judges. The same distinction is stated for all higher levels of the contest.
  • Section 7 – Protests and Disqualifications states: “Protests are limited to eligibility, originality, and reference to another contestant’s speech and must only be lodged by voting judges and/or contestants.”
  • Therefore, since a tiebreaking judge is not considered a “voting judge”, they are not eligible to lodge a protest.

 Thanks to the detail-oriented participants who raised this question, and my apologies for giving an incorrect answer.

The moral of the story: Study the rule book carefully to ensure a fair and proper contest!

Clarifying a question concerning a new member joining a charter club.  This answer was provided by the Toastmaters International Speech Contest Department:

If the member who joins after the club is chartered  is a dual  or reinstated member who has attained the necessary eligibility status able to compete in the club contest? 

Answer:  To compete in the International Speech contest, a member in this scenario (who is not a charter member of a club chartered less than one year before the club contest), must have completed the outlined education requirements.


2023 District Conference Opening, Keynote, and Educational Sessions

Banner Parade

Color Gaurd

Keynote by Karl Mecklenburg

Educational Session By Karl Mecklenburg

Educational Session by David Otey – “Crafting Connections”

2023 District International Speech Contest

Laura Amundson – A Lifetime of Perseverance (3rd Place)

Jean Duane – The Insecure Overachiever

Jeannette Gaiter – Don’t Hide Your Light Under a Basket

Rich Hopkins – Glorious Victory (2nd Place)

Catherine Peters – My Mother’s Eyes

Sam Shada – I Want a Pony

Glenn West (winner – Aurorators Toastmasters Club) – Sticky Notes

2023 District Table Topics Contest 06 Table Topics Contest Full 06a Table Topics Contest – 1 Greg Howell 06b Table Topics Contest – 2 Heather Anderson 06c Table Topics Contest – 3 Manny Solis  (2nd Place) 06d Table Topics Contest – 4 Lorée Beamer Wilkinson   (3rd Place) 06e Table Topics Contest – 5 Maddy Smith 06f Table Topics Contest – 6 Cliff Spoonemore 06g Table Topics Contest – 7 Jacqueline Smith  (winner) 06w Table Topics Contest – Winners  (Announcement)

Zoom Company Video Tutorials
Turn Zoom Gloom Around

Turn Zoom Gloom Around by Angela Stauffer

Turn Zoom Gloom into an Extraordinary Member Experience
Slide Deck from Presentation

Zoom Basics

Zoom Basics by Natalie Palmer

Natalie Palmer put together this great webinar for Zoom Basics to help you with your zoom basics

Zoom Basics

How to Win an Evaluation Contest

How to Win an Evaluation Contest  by Desiree Lovato

Desiree Lovato put together this amazing slide for one of our Janauary TLI’s. To acquire some pointers for how you can win an evaluation contest, check out her presentation here! Remember the FACE behind the feedback

How to Win an Evaluation Contest

Tools from other Districts

I have found many other resources while hunting around for help aids that may be of use to you in District 26 Toastmasters. Click the links below for tools from other Districts I found for you. Thank you in advance for any District who did the work for these great ools and resources. If you are form one of these Districts and do not want to be listed here or desire to have your link removed, please contact us. thanks you once again! Enjoy!

District 53 Webinars

District 21 Training Webinars

District 39 Pathways Webinars

District 31 Grow on the Go Webinars

District 106 Toolbox Tuesday Webinars

District 7 Learning Webinars

Online Presenters Workshop Webinars

District 33 Webinars

District 47 Webinars

District 6 Club Officer Webinars

District 4 Webinars

District 71 Webinars

District 61 Webinars

Toastmasters Branding from District 91


(More coming soon)

Northern Virtual Networking (2020)

Northern Division Virtual Networking 2020 Hosted by Trixie Hunter-Merrill, PRM D26

Come watch our First Ever Virtual Networking sponsored by Northern Division, Speaker Arron Stubbs, Dick Sanders with Host Trixie Hunter-Merrill, DTM,  District 26 Toastmasters Public Relations Manager 2020-2021

Northern Division Virtual Networking

Foothills Virtual Networking (2020)

Foothills Division Virtual Networking 2020 Hosted by Trixie Hunter-Merrill, PRM D26

Come watch our Second Virtual Networking sponsored by Foothills Division, Speakers Linda Rhea and Nancy Winston with Host Trixie Hunter-Merrill, DTM,  District 26 Toastmasters Public Relations Manager 2020-2021

Foothills Division Virtual Networking

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